Dendera Temple
Dendera Temple near Luxor
Hathor was a major goddess in the ancient Egyptian pantheon, who personified the principles of joy, feminine love, and motherhood. The Temple of Hathor at Dendera was built between 30 BC and 14 AD making it one of the latest Egyptian temples and one of the best-preserved temple complexes in all of Egypt. Early texts refer to a Pre-dynastic temple at this site that was rebuilt during the Old Kingdom, and further developed by New Kingdom pharaohs. The present structure, however, dates to the Ptolemaic and Roman periods and its decorations include Roman emperors alongside Egyptian gods.
Some of the more notable features of the temple are the beautiful and highly detailed astrological calendars carved and painted upon the ceilings, including the Osiris chapel on the roof which contains a circular zodiac. A feature of Dendera not found elsewhere in Egyptian temples is the many mysterious crypts and tunnels, some underground and some enclosed within the massive double walls of the temple. Inside one of these is the famous carving that many believe depicts an electrical lightbulb.
Entrance 120LE (2020)